by Kimberley Chin, Director, Maryland Hunger Solutions
Yesterday the 3rd Floor Auditorium of the Enoch Pratt Central Library in Baltimore, Maryland was filled with people listening and waiting to testify about the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization process. Yvette Jackson, Regional Administrator for the USDA Food and Nutrition Mid-Atlantic Region and her team listened attentively as approximately 50 people provided their thoughts and insights into the child nutrition and WIC programs.
It was fascinating to watch child care advocates, nutritionists, physicians, state directors, industry representatives, cafeteria service providers, parents, anti-hunger advocates and others speak so persuasively about the need to make these programs as accessible and healthy for all. Among some of the many issues that came up were the need for more nutrition education, greater reimbursements because of the high prices of foods, more investments in equipment to help schools better serve meals and getting more local foods in schools. There were also several industry groups, such as those for dairy, apples, potatoes, and processed meats that pled their cases during the testimony.
Remember, if you have something to say about the child nutrition and WIC programs, it is not too late. USDA is still taking written comments until October 15, 2008. For more information, visit the FRAC website at
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