Monday, March 17, 2008

Attending a Conference & Continuing The FS Challenge

by Kevin McGuire, Executive Director, Family Investment Administration, Department of Human Resources

I am still in the Challenge. Saturday was really bad. While breakfast went well (grapefruit, toast with marmalade and a glass of milk), lunch was a challenge. I went to a conference and attended a lunch which consisted of shrimp and a tilapia filet crusted with almonds and a lemon butter sauce served with asparagus on a bed of risotto. I had some real problems with passing this up as they served whole wheat rolls and coffee. I thought I was going to lose it when the cheesecake with whipped cream arrived. I couldn't even have water as the water pitchers were filled with iced tea and the only water available was in bottles. Dinner was better. I made up a really big bowl of pasta with a meat sauce that also included carrots and onions. I included a lot of black pepper with this and wound up having a real spicy and filling dinner. Later on I had a grapefruit for dessert.

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