Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday - Is it Over Yet?

by Kevin McGuire, Executive Director, Family Investment Administration, Department of Human Resources

I am still at the conference and there is yet another luncheon meeting! This time I can get a glass of water. I made a decision to not eat at these meetings and to just eat at home or not at all. Today I decided to just hold off until dinner. Everything was going fine until the break when they served ice cream! I really had to question taking the Food Stamp Challenge. I will be glad when this is over tomorrow. However, the challenge of having enough to eat will not end for over three hundred fifty thousand of my fellow Marylanders tomorrow. For them, the struggle continues to plan meals and eat healthy for not much while we live literally in a land of plenty.

Well, I finally got out of the conference and went home. My wife told me that she was making lasagna so I better make something if I was going to eat. So I went ahead and made up some spaghetti with meat sauce. Lucky for me I just love pasta and could eat it every day. Unfortunately, I didn't buy any eggs or cheese or I would make spaghetti pie with the leftovers.

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