Monday, March 17, 2008

Fr. Joe Reflects on His Final Food Stamp Challenge Hours

by Father Joe Muth - St Matthew's Catholic Church, Baltimore City

Yesterday morning was Palm Sunday. I finished my box of cereal and milk, and last night I finished the box of crackers. Yesterday at lunch I finished my last can of tuna fish. I still have some peanut butter left and two tangerines. Last night I went to a family gathering for the ninth anniversary of my father's death and there was lots of food there. I had great conversation but just had a glass of water with ice for the evening. It was strange especially with many people encouraging me to eat. The food was plentiful and right before my eyes. Many poor people would have devoured the table if they had the opportunity, but the opportunity is not as readily available for them as for me. So even my holding off from eating last night was kind of a luxury because I knew I only had one more day of this and I could go back to food whenever and wherever I want. I have also been touched by waiting for my next meal and trying to time it so that I will feel "full" until the next meal. I put the word "full" in quotation marks because I don't think I ever felt full this whole week. And the few times I felt hunger pangs I looked for a clock to see when my next "meal" would be, even if my "meal" was crackers and peanut butter. So I learned a lot this week. Thanks for asking me to join the challenge. I know it has changed my awareness and I wonder how I will be different now. Peace and blessings, Fr. Joe

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