Monday, March 24, 2008

The Food Stamp Challenge - My Biggest Challenge Yet

By Brenda Rupp, The Family Investment Administration, Maryland Department of Human Resources

Day 3:

On Wednesday nights during Lent, my family and I eat soup and salad before my church's Lenten Service, which includes dinner. I completely forget to eat my dinner before going to Church because I am not accustomed to cooking dinner on Wednesdays. I had to sit there hungry, watching everyone eat. When asked why I was not eating, I said I was on the Food Stamp Challenge and could only eat the things I bought. Everyone was shocked when I said that people on food stamps have to eat on about $3 per day or $1 a meal. Everyone said they could not be able to do it. I challenged everyone that night to try it for a week. However, I was not able to focus on the sermon as I was hungry and thinking only of food and kept looking at my watch to see if it was time to go. It was 8:30 when we got home. I hate my cup o’noodles and was still hungry so I made myself two scrambled eggs.

My Last Day

On my last day on the challenge, the only food left is oatmeal and eggs. My lettuce mix only lasted 3 days and I went through my fruit in the first 4 days. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, two hardboiled eggs for lunch and leftover rice (a very small portion) for dinner. I am still hungry.

My challenge is over. All I can say is that it was truly a humbling experience. My kids saw how little food I ate during the week compared to what they ate. The experience put a new perspective on “left overs,” and my kids appreciated what they had to eat. Not once this week did they complain about what was on their dinner plate.

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